Leica BLK3D Premium Edition Package

Leica BLK3D Premium Edition Package


The BLK3D captures 3D measurable images & places precise measurements at your fingertips. With the BLK3D Software you can then share images & measurements with colleages & customers in multiple formats.

With its revolutionary combination of a calibrated stereo-camera, advanced algorithms & real-time edge computing, the Leica BLK3D makes hand-held 3D measurements, with professional-grade accuracy, possible. Every image captured is a complete & precise 3D measurement record.


The BLK3D captures 3D measurable images & places precise measurements at your fingertips. With the BLK3D Software you can then share images & measurements with colleages & customers in multiple formats.

Store, Organise & Share

Store your measurable images on the device & on your desktop. Organize your projects by tagging measurable images with searchable keywords for easy recall & share them in multiple formats.

New dimensions for 2D pictures

The BLK3D creates images that contain precise three-dimensional measurements.

The art of photogrammetry. Simplified

 Un-matched combination of a calibrated stereo-camera, advanced algorithms & real-time edge computing fused with leading Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) technology.

Progressive project documentation for AEC

Capture critical moments throughout the life of a building.

Access projects. Anywhere, anytime

Measure in your image – on the handheld imager, on the desktop, on-site or in the office.

Object detection & snapping

Auto-Snapping uses computer vision technologies to select the right points for your measurements.

Working with digital floorplans

Create floorplans & import existing ones. Add measurable images. Document construction progress with multiple images over time.

Reality Capture

Capture 3D measureable images.


Use the integrated Laser EDM to add highly accurate measurements to 3D images, or to take stand-alone measurements.

Sketch & Document

Create floorplans & attach measurable images to them. Useful for documenting construction progress over time.

New Project

Group 3D images & floorplans as a Project


Organize projects